Review Date: Sep 5, 2023
Prior to joining the program, my finance background entailed a few classes at school which introduced me to principles of accounting and fundamentals of finance. I had finance related internship which exposed me briefly to financial modeling and DCFs.
I joined Romero Mentoring to further learn about the financial services industry and better understand whether or not I wanted to pursue a career out of it. At the same time, in the event that I was interested, I recognized that my skills needed to be more robust to do well at interviews. Therefore, my goals for joining were to understand whether the industry was for me and to strengthen my grasp of finance terminology, financial modeling, and expertise in valuation.
The week that I was exposed to financial modeling. Working through the various schedules and financial statements can be very challenging. This training gave me insight on how to effectively use Excel such that any changes would be appropriately be reflected through all the statements.
What stands out about Romero Mentoring is the internship phase which grants inexperience, young, and driven individuals with responsibilities that are typically not given to analysts even at the most-prestigious firms.
Without the training, I wouldn’t have been able to handle the internship responsibilities. In fact, I believe that my success was largely attributed to my learnings at the internship. Through the training, I knew how due-diligence needed to be done, the sources that I could look into as I was forecasting the three-financial statements and most importantly having the knowledge on how to value a company using both intrinsic and extrinsic methodologies.
For instance, if I did not go through the lecture of LBO modeling, I would be completely blank on how I should model the situation of a hypothetical buy-out using sources & uses.
The one-to-one mentorship was extremely helpful, as it allowed me to assess my interests in the broad field of finance. For instance, during my chat with Aaditya, I was able to learn more about what he did as a financial analyst and how it was different from typical investment banking positions at banks. In addition, I was able to pick up on advice on how to recruit, network, and best approach full-time roles.
The program certainly helped me. I’d say that scheduling Zoom calls with Mr. Romero and the recorded lectures enabled me to most effectively craft my resume and story. Though, I would appreciate if Romero Mentoring could build on its network in terms of being connected with recruiters and others who may better help job-seekers.
The program is a fantastic way to develop the skills needed to be competitive, up-to-date, and fundamentally strong in the field of finance. Furthermore, what stands out about Romero Mentoring is the internship phase which grants inexperience, young, and driven individuals with responsibilities that are typically not given to analysts even at the most-prestigious firms. For students considering to join this program, I'd say that it is a great journey which would genuinely enrich you with knowledge, discipline, and competency necessary in finance. In addition, the robust group of mentors on the platform is certainly another way in which you can truly learn about how the financial services industry works and what you would be expected to do if you one day choose to pursue a role in finance.