Noah Rich

Noah Rich

University of California, Los Angeles

Investment Banking Intern

B. Riley Securities

Overall Rating:
Career Development:

Review Date: Oct 29, 2019

Experience Prior To The Program

Prior to joining the Analyst Prep Program my experience in finance was limited to three classes taken in high school pertaining to basic and intermediate accounting as well as basic financial concepts. I ultimately decided to join because of the opportunity Romero Mentoring offered not only in terms of learning the technical aspects of the industry but also the soft skills and networking necessary for professional development.

Training Experience

While the acquisition of the technical skills was certainly an important takeaway throughout the program, developing a sense of discipline and getting a feel for the dynamic of professional relations was, for me, the most valuable component of the training. In this sense, Romero aided my career prospects in showing me how to interact with a superior and colleagues along with instilling a discipline pertaining to completing tasks efficiently and on time.

The internship experience taught me about industries and market trends that I never would have interacted with otherwise, and as such it also presented a way in which to observe the world around you that I never could have imagined possible.

Internship Experience

The internships experience represented a comprehensive representation of everything that was learned throughout the training program, and in that sense the application of what knowledge we acquired throughout the initial stages was certainly the perfect manner in which to go about evaluating our skills. Furthermore, the internship experience taught me about industries and market trends that I never would have interacted with otherwise, and as such it also presented a way in which to observe the world around you that I never could have imagined possible.


The one-on-one mentorship was indelibly helpful as it vastly improved my interview and interpersonal skills. Specifically, I have always been anxious when it comes to reporting to a superior and presenting my work to said person, but the mentorship of this program aspect has truly helped me grow in suppressing that anxiety and making me comfortable interacting with fellow colleagues.

Career Development

The program affirmed what I was previously unsure about in regards to the trajectory of my career path, as I am now steadfast in my conviction to pursuing finance out of college. Furthermore, this program has provided me an invaluable mode through which to break through in the world of finance whether that comes in terms of networking connections, a credible internship, or the overarching technical knowledge required of the field.

Final Remarks

My experience in the Romero Mentorship program has completely transformed my preparedness regarding the knowledge and connections I need to pursue my career goals, and moreover I was provided an opportunity that not many college freshman can claim to have had. My advice to students hesitant about joining the program would be to ultimately choose the path that gives you an opportunity to explore your career aspirations and brings another dimension to your intellectual skillset.