Marina Chang

Marina Chang

New York University

Investment Banking Summer Analyst

Credit Suisse

Overall Rating:
Career Development:

Review Date: Sep 27, 2020

Experience Prior To The Program

Prior to the Analyst Prep Program, I was minimally exposed to finance which motivated me to submit an application and build those technical foundations.

Training Experience

The most valuable part about the training process was how Mr. Romero, the portfolio manager, took his analysts step by step through the due diligence and modeling processes. Because of the detailed learning experience, I felt like the once difficult and unfamiliar concepts became much easier to digest. I can’t thank Mr. Romero enough for fostering my interest in the financial industry.

It was empowering to be able to apply my training into forming live investment pitches to the portfolio manager. Through this research and advisory role, I felt like Mr. Romero put me in a position where I could truly add value to the decision-making process.

Internship Experience

My internship experience at Romero Capital was definitely an eye-opening one. It was empowering to be able to apply my training into forming live investment pitches to the portfolio manager. Through this research and advisory role, I felt like Mr. Romero put me in a position where I could truly add value to the decision-making process.


The one-on-one mentorship was one of the most helpful components. I’m grateful for the regular feedback as it allowed me to continuously grow and improve throughout the summer. Questions were always welcomed and the responses I received helped broaden both my perspective and understanding.

Career Development

The program definitely helped prepare me for a finance-related career. I look forward to applying the insights I gained at Romero Capital to my future educational and professional endeavors.

Final Remarks

I cannot recommend this program enough! The training and internship experience at Romero Capital helped me grow from having little finance exposure to becoming an informed financial analyst. If you're on the fence about applying, my advice is to go for it and see what happens. You won't regret it!